Un link nell’articolo sul Financial Times firmato dai due leader rimanda a una proposta più particolareggiata su come riformare le regole europee. Ma ignora questioni non meno rilevanti
After past French failures, Macron and Draghi will try to change the policy that is holding back the growth of the eurozone. A difficult but essential proposition.
Class-consciousness is sleeping, hypnotized from a trash media system, but it is not dead. We could seize some signs of malaise in the pathological estrangement from the polls.
Des propositions qui laissent la situation actuelle pratiquement inchangée. Et le risque du même mécanisme pervers qui a généré la crise de la dernière décennie.
Some proposals that would leave the current situation practically unchanged. And the risk of the same perverse mechanism that has generated the crisis of the last decade.