La reprimenda della Commissione europea per i documenti sui conti pubblici presentati dall’Italia. Si possono fare tantissime critiche, ma ce n’è una che è insensata: quella che non riduca abbastanza il deficit e il debito.
la Commissione europea per la prima volta ha respinto un progetto di bilancio, minacciando di aprire una procedura di infrazione contro l’Italia. Una posizione insensata. Le prospettive di cambiamento dell'eurzona..
The European Commission, for the first time, rejected a draft national budget, threatening the opening of a "procedure" against the Italian government. The prospects for possible fundamental changes in the Eurozone.
Inequality of wealth and incomes was recognised as a defining feature of capitalism, as a totally chaotic and anarchic system, naturally generating unemployed labour and under-utilisation of other resources,
This debate on immigration misses the role of the United States in Central America in creating the conditions that have driven so many to risk the long, arduous, and often fatal trek to get here.
During the New Deal and social democracy in Europe governments regulated capital. In the neoliberal era capital regulates government. The central purpose of neoliberal re-regulation is to remove the economic policy from control by representative democracy.