Policies based on a hyper-liberal approach, which she shared with Ronald Reagan, had massive adverse consequences over time and space. She started a class war,but did not promote economic growth in the UK, as she is widely credited to have done.
The altenative between a minority PD's government and Berlusconi's pledge of a large coallition. New elections as solution of last resort. The different outcomes will condition the future of Democratic party, and of Italian Left.
Currently many EU countries are using the Euro crisis as a reason for deregulating labour markets. Many of the new regulations increase employee insecurity and some have been introduced with almost no parliamentary involvement.
For a way out of the crisis another path is possible, if we still keep the single currency but if we change regulations and economic policies. And introduce more democracy, also in the economy.
La crisi che non passa sta incidendo profondamente anche sul ruolo delle banche centrali e sulle loro strategie e i dogmi degli ultimi trent'anni vengono rimessi in discussione.