Overreaching Claims of Debt “Threshold” Suffer from Theoretical and Empirical Flaws
Mentre l'Europa diventa l'"uomo malato" dell'economia globale, la nuova poltica energetica contribuisce al rafforzamento dell'egemonia di USA e Cina.
La crisi continua, mentre il gnerale rallentamento diventa recessione in Spagna e Italia.
The reasons of a vanishing recovery, while the general slowdown becomes recession in Italy and Spain.
The Japanese and eurozone economies are very different, but their current predicaments are eerily similar. It is worth comparing the radically different recovery experiments each economy is undertaking.
The new production of American crude oil and gas will be tantamount to a revolution in the world market.
This paper argues the euro zone crisis is the product of a toxic neoliberal economic policy cocktail.
Perhaps Germans are stupid, but there is a method in this madness.
Forse I tedeschi sono stupidi, ma c’è del metodo in questa pazzia.