Technological change has not been a leading factor in our wage problems or inequality in the 2000s. Wage stagnation and growing wage inequality are the consequences of policy decisions made over the last four decades.
The EU Commission’s Report mentions the case of a positive effect of an expansionary fiscal policy in the long run, but its conclusions move in the opposite way.
Il Rapporto della Commissioneeuropea sulla sostenibilità dei disavanzi di bilancio cita ilcasodiun effetto positivo nel lungo periodo diuna politica fiscale espansiva. Male sue conclusionisi muovonoin senso opposto.
On one side, significant investments in natural gas, carbon capture and storage and renewable energy; on the other one electro-chemical batteries that have achieved unpredictable performance and cost improvements in the transportation field.
The exit of Greece from the euro zone by choice or happenstance might have caused ripples but not disaster for the currency union. By contrast, the exit of Spain, with the fourth largest GDP in the euro zone, would be catastrophic, the end of the single currency and perhaps the European Union in its present form. The German government and its austerity allies could not threaten an anti-austerity Spanish government as they did Syriza.
Aziende di credito che sfruttano fino in fondo le asimmetrie informative e la scarsa cultura finanziaria dei iclienti Una lunga storia che precede il recente fallimento delle quattro piccole banche italiane
Di fronte a una crisi bancaria gli aiuti di Stato sono ammessi in acuni paesi (per esempio, la Germania) e vietati in altri. Lo strano caso delle quattro banche italiane.
When banks are involved in a credit crise, state aids are allowed in some countries (e.g. Germany) and forbiden in other ones.The odd case of four Italian banks.