Given the evolution of new oil routes and the exit strategy from the various fronts of the war, the United States has significantly reduced its involvement in the Middle East; yet Europe continues to lack of any consistent approach to the new Arabic scenario.
The Summers's "secular stagnation" is an intriguing argument; yet it is sure that the austerity policy, based on the German housewife's theory, is only bound to worsening the current Eurozone's crisis.
One of the highlights of Hungary's EU presidency was the launching of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. But a closer look at the situation of the Hungarian Roma provides an alarming picture.
American corporations made their big bucks mostly by reducing their costs. They push wages down because most workers no longer have any bargaining power when it comes to determining pay.
Whether through intention or ignorance, lower wages or another unsustainable bout of speculation are the logical consequence of the bi-partisan commitment to austerity that now rules Washington.