I want to give you an overview of what working people are going through in this country and throughout the world. And let’s be clear: The issue of income and wealth inequality is not just an American issue. It is a global issue.
On the occasion of the tragedy of the current virus, there was no need for many words to acquire the confirmation that the European Union deserves the title of Disunion.
There is only one suitable instrument to address our current crisis, the European Central Bank. In order to deal with the emergency, states should issue securities with no maturity with an interest rate close to zero.
Economic problems began in Italy at the dawn of the second decade of this century. But all Eurozone is in difficulties.. Germany, which is the largest economy in the Eurozone, has been swinging between stagnation and recession for the past two years
Classical liberalism clings to the idea (in reality, an ideological bias) that competitive capitalism, closely associated with the liberal-democratic political system, is capable of self-correction.