E' necessario distinguere tra chi si trova in effettiva difficoltà economica e chi invece non ha subito perdite o potrebbe comunque sopportarle o magari con la crisi si è addirittura arricchito senza pudore.
Valerie Wilson, director of the Economic Policy Institute Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy, gave the keynote address at the Federal Reserve Symposium on Racism and the Economy. These are her remarks.
A Green New Deal is not difficult to finance. The European political elite simply do not want one, instead creating a Brown Deal giving billions of public money to corporations involved in fossil fuels, cars, airlines, airports, tourism.
Given the outcome of the elections, there seems little hope for the amount of stimulus the economy needs. The importance of increasing the use of worksharing, which is already part of the unemployment insurance system in most states.
La profondità della cris iha giocato a favore del Partito democratico. Ma i repubblicani non si rassegneranno alla sconfitta. La prima prova saranno le elezioni mid-term del 2022.