La Russia ha un primario interesse a vendere il gas in Europa.Il conflitto con l'Ucraina non è una ragione sufficiente per rovesciare i termini dell'approvvigionamento energetico europeo.
Russia has all the possible interests in selling gas to Europe.The Crimea controversy is just not enough to require an upheaval of the energy situation of Europe.
The USA has become the bigger oil producer in the world , having surpassed the other two great producers , Russia and Saudi Arabia, and this is bound to change the geopolitic relationship with the Middle East.
Le nuove vie del petrolio e la "exit stratgy" dai diversi fronti di guerra hanno modificato l'impegno degl Stati Uniti nel Medio Oriente; ma continua a mancare una coerente strategia europea nei confronti della regione:
Given the evolution of new oil routes and the exit strategy from the various fronts of the war, the United States has significantly reduced its involvement in the Middle East; yet Europe continues to lack of any consistent approach to the new Arabic scenario.
Credit for production should be given to companies that have a production structure, and do not work fully, for lack of resources to pay the raw materials or extra working hours.
Il rilancio degli investimenti, a cominciare delle piccole e medie imprese, impone una poltica del credito finalizzata. Il governo dovrebbe elaborare una strategia d'intervento.