On Sunday 25th August, I joined forces with Arnaud Montembourg in Frangy-en-Bresse (or Frangy-en-Grece as it was renamed for the day!) to put forward to the people of France a simple message: There is no alternative but the democratisation of the Eurozone!
Unfortunately, the analysis forgets that for the past four decades, CEOs have waged a relentless political war against trade unions, minimum wages, labor market regulation and public sector programs.
The proposal for a graduated capital gains tax may lead investors to hold stock for somewhat longer periods of time, but it is difficult to envision major changes in corporate behavior as a result.
Despite the growing revolt against the ruling class, it seems likely that the nominees in 2016 will be Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. After all, the ruling class still controls America.
The Grexit supported by the German finance minister was not at a random proposal. No one could before imagine a consensual exit from the euro; now it is a possible choice. The membership to eurozone is not an irrevocable destiny,