A 1.0 percent transactions tax on Bitcoin will not shut down the market. However, it will substantially reduce the volume of transactions, making the currency less attractive to anyone who doesn’t need it for illicit purposes.
With high interest rates, clients become permanent prisoners of the banks, paying successive interest over former interest, and millions in Brazil have already paid many times their initial debt and continue working for the banks.
Angela Merkel’s reputation as the world leader of Liberal Democracy is fading following a series of fiascos. As she departs the political stage she is looking ever more like a tired Margaret Thatcher without the moral handbag. And EU citizens?
Il governo che stampa i propri soldi, come gli Stati Uniti, non ha bisogno di entrate fiscali per pagare le sue spese. Questo distingue il governo degli Stati Uniti da una famiglia o dai governi statali e locali.