The fundamental problem within the European Monetary Union is that member-countries have different preferences with regard to growth, employment and inflation. EMU cannot proceed on its current course: Alternatives are possible possible.
Gli effetti destabilizzanti che sul sistema dell`Euro produce il modello neo-mercantilista di crescita della Germania. La corazzata Euro è veramente inaffondabile? Le alternative possibili.
Neoliberalism aims to diminish the role of the state and enhance the power of the market, and this goal is reflected in neoliberal monetary theory which guided the euro’s design.
L'ossessione tedesca che ci fa toirnare al mondo pre-keynesiano, quando la cura della depressione consisteva nel taglio della spesa e nell'aumento delle tasse.
Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, Co-Directors of Center for Economic and Policy Research - CEPR, welcome Fed’s intervention in European markets, but say it is not enough.
The Green Paper neglects that low interest rates are not a sufficient condition for growth; this paper proposes a “Twin Track” Strategy for combining stability through Union Bonds with growth through Eurobonds.