July - August 2012 / In this Issue

Insight  (www.insightweb.it)

Insight is a multilingual website focused on the analysis of the origins and of the social and economic

consequences of the crisis. To this end, it collects and publishes contributions in several languages
(Italian, English, French, Spanish, Português).

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The last European Summit has left things as they were, except worsen the situation in Spain, which was imposed new austerity measures, while for Italy, the apparent success of Monti proved insubstantial (Nuti), in the middle of self-inflicting austerity and "structural reforms” (Paladini,Lettieri and Baylos). Instead, an industrial policy, that could raise investment, growth and employment remains out from the horizon (Colitti).Simon Glendinning starts from Kant to trace a European Union’s possible future.
Dean Baker is back with concrete examples of a tax on financial transactions; Harold Meyerson on American unions; John Weeks on the paradoxes of neo-conservative economic doctrines; Tarso Genro on the challenges coming for the left from  the crisis.

In the Papers, Lettieri on the instrumental use of youth unemployment to cover reactionary policies; Jeff Faux on the contradictions of American politics and the conclusions of the Spanish “Congreso Trabajo, economia y sociedad".
