Eurozone at the crossroads – 2015, Year of a Turnround?
The responsibility for the crisis cannot be attributed to Berlin and Brussels. National governments are accomplices of austerity policies. Meanwhile, the economic crisis is corroding the democratic foundations of member states. The crisis was announced in the fall of 2008, after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, as basically global, comparable to that of 1929. But as we enter the seventh year after the crisis that judgment must be corrected. The risk of a global crisis has been averted. The only area that remains trapped in the crisis is the eurozone. This is not a fatal outcome. It is increasingly clear that the problem is not in the very nature of the crisis, but in the tools adopted in dealing with it. Tools not only ineffective, but a boomerang unfortunately destined to extend and multiplies its disastrous consequences. The responsibility for this state of affairs is generally attributed to the austerity policy imposed by Berlin and the Brussels technocracy. It is a biased truth, and, in many ways, an alibi. The austerity, now universally considered wrong and devastating, would not have been practicable without the consent and the more or less overt complicity of the governments that share the responsibility for eurozone policies. Beyond the variations on the theme, the heart of the structural reforms rests on a fundamental triptych: the reduction of public spending on welfare; the deregulation of the labor market with the firing freedom; the privatization of the manufacturing and services enterprises that can generate profits. The austerity-structural reforms trap worked perfectly with the rightwing governments, as Rajoy in Spain or Samaras in Greece have shown. Nothing unusual so far. The surprise rather rests on the policies of the two center-left governments, which, with Francois Hollande in France and Matteo Renzi in Italy, have set the structural reforms at the center of their programs, hoping to get some tolerance from the eurozone authorities in regard to the austerity parameters, which impose a forced and deadly march towards a balanced structural budget and the sovereign debt reduction. Hollande and Renzi, at the helm of the second and third largest economy in the eurozone, could have been able to challenge, with compelling, reasons the disastrous austerity policy. They did not. Hollande, according to the polls, the most unpopular president in the history of the Fifth Republic, is eager to maintain the appearance of a partnership with Germany; meanwhile Renzi, head of the Democratic Party strives to get some benevolence from Berlin, putting forward on a golden plate its labor reform, harshly challenged by the unions and a part of his own party. In this context of resignation France and Italy rely on the pledge of the Juncker's plan, the new E.U. Commission president, and on the new strategy announced by Mario Draghi, ECB president. On a closer examination, the Juncker’s plan (R. Paladini:I 300 di Juncker) appears as a pure instrument of mass distraction. The pledge of 315 billion euro to be shared among 28 countries in three years would be a drop of water in the desert of investments. It is worth to remember that the first move of Barack Obama, when he assumed the presidency, was an appropriation of $ 800 billion - an amount considered insufficient by many American economists, but that eventually helped to stop the fall of the economy and to incentive the resumption of employment. In any case, beyond its insufficient small size, the three hundred billion of the Junker plan do not actually exist, since the funds made available by the European Commission added to those of the European Investment Bank correspond only to 21 billion, while the fifteen times total amount should be the product of imaginary private investment. But the growth of government expenditure would increase the deficit beyond the thresholds of the European parameters. In fact, they do not distinguish between current and investment expenditure. So, even the messianic expectation of an ECB's helpful intervention conflicts with the eurozone’s unreasonable constraints. A dog chasing its tail, in a paradoxical game between Draghi’s pledge of an expansionary monetary policy aimed to promote investment and the European authorities' bureaucratic determination to block any fiscal expansion. In this grim scenario the economic crisis turns toward a hefty political crisis increasingly depending on the different governments’ politics. From this point of view, surprisingly, just Greece, were five years ago erupted the financial crisis, could become the trigger of a deep political changeover. According the opinion polls, Alexis Tsipras, Syriza leader, is bound to win next general elections, likely held at the beginning of 2015, so opening a new landscape not only in Greece but in the whole eurozone. In other words, Tsipras strategy points to go beyond the blackmailing stark alternative: In or out of the euro. The refusal by the European authorities to renegotiate the disastrous conditions imposed to Greece could not be attributed to the uncooperative attitude of a member state, but to the arrogant, hardly justifiable choice of eurozone’s authorities. And this first breach could pave the way to a chain reaction, involving other countries in the similar condition. Let look at the Spanish political framework. The Rajoy government has lost 20 per cent of the vote in the recent European elections, while Podemos (We can), heir of the Indignados movement, according to the current opinion polls, has become the first party supplanting the Popular Party as well the Socialist Party, which have alternatively lead the government during the past decades. The paradox is that in the countries governed by the right-wing parties, leftwing movements are emerging as political alternatives. At the same time, the center-left governments are bound to be defeated by the center-right oppositions. In France, the first party, according the polls, is the National Front of Marine Le Pen, which plans the exit from the single currency. Meanwhile, in Italy, Renzi’s government will be confronted in the likely early general elections (probably next spring), on one side, with Grillo’s Five Stars movement, that is organizing a referendum on euro, and, on the other side, with a rightwing coalition within which it is growing an overt anti-euro stance. |