April 2020 / In this Issue




Articles & Opinions

Antonio Lettieri

Italy's uncertain future in the eurozone after the pandemic attack
 L'incerto futuro dell'Italia nell'eurozona dopo l'attacco di pandemia

Antonio Baylos
Covid 19 y relaciones de trabajo en España

Carlo Clericetti
The Eurobond is not Worth the Fight, the ECB is the Key
Eurobond non vale una lite, la chiave è la Bce

Jeff Faux
Could the Pandemic Re-elect Trump?

Claudio Salone
Qui si fa l’Europa …

Barry Bluestone
A Spark of Some Optimism in a Time of Crisis

Giovanni Principe
Slender hopes for democracy in a “rigged” capitalism

Dean Baker
The Post-Pandemic Economy

Mathew D. Rose
EU: The Acute Crisis No One Wants To Talk About

Antonio Lettieri
The coronavirus at the center of the eurozone crisis