April 2016 / In this Issue

Insight (www.insightweb.it)

Insight is a multilingual website focused on the analysis of the origins
and of the social and economic consequences of the crisis.
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Articles On Terrorism, Middle East's wars, migrants and European Union
(Antonio Lettieri and a Paper by Roberto Toscano). On Euro, Germany and the former governor of Banca d'Italia (Ruggero Paladini, Carlo Clericetti). On migrants' EU policy (Mario Nuti).
Berny Sanders for President (Jeff Faux, Thomas Palley, Robert Reich). The attack to the Constitution in Italy (Umberto Romagnoli).

In the Papers: Middle East (Roberto Toscano); Labor Law reverse in Italy; (Umberto Romagnoli):The "Uber model" (Lawrence Mishel); Spanish elections /Antonio Baylos). 

The Obama Doctrine; Riflessioni su euro ed Europa; The Fight for Bernie’s Political Revolution;
Sanders Plans for the Long Run; Keynes’s General Theory At 80 Robert
Syriza, Podemos e Corbyn; Pope Francis’ Challenge to America; and ...more

Articles & Opinions