Free internal travel requires strong external controls, while difference between refugees, protected by UN regulation on reaching their first safe haven, and economic migrants is fundamental.
Seven specific proposals as means to change seven specific proposals to change the European economic policy.The real problem is whether political forces would support such economic policy changes. ..
L'uscita della Grecia dall'euro avrebbe serie conseguenze non solo sulla Grecia ma sull''insieme dell'eurozona. Vi sono, in ogni caso, ragiomi per le quali alla Grecia converrebbe uscire dall'Unione europea, piuttosto che semplcemente dall'eurozona.
Grexit costs would be very serious not only for Greece but for the entire Eurozone and beyond, but unilateral withdrawal from the whole of the European Union rather than simply the Eurozone would make more sense.
Grexit would be the result of a deliberately destructive strategy. Yet the Greek refusal to continue with the self-defeating, ruinous austerity policies is a completely rational and democratic choice.
Il nuovo governo di Alexis Tsipras ha chiesto alle istituzioni europee sei mesi per respirare e negoziare un piano alternativo per la gestione del debito e per la ripresa del'economia.
Alexis Tsipras is asking of the European and global rulers is six months of breathing space to prepare an alternative plan for debt management and economic recovery.
Tra le ragioni di ottimismo la vittoria di Syriza in Grecia, oltre alla caduta del prezzo del petrolio e al quantitave easing,ma rimane alto il rischio di una crisi nei rapporti fra Atene e Berlino con conseguenze sull'intera eurozona..
The EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Transition Report for 2013, published last November, was entitled Stuck in Transition? By the time of the EBRD Annual Meeting of 14-15 May 2014 the cosmetic question mark was no longer appropriate.